Getting to Know Your Feet!
What kind of a foot do you have?
The box of your pointe shoe should reflect the type of foot you were born with. Is it wide and square, or narrow and pointed?

Do you have a high of low arch?
Higher arches tend to need stronger shanks.
They are also more prone to ankle sprains so look for a show with a flatter bottom to give added stability.
· Lower arches tend to need lighter shanks in order for the dancer to be able to fully “get up” on their box.
How flexible is your ankle?
Pointe you foot, does the most of the pointe come from your ankle or your arch?

Stiff ankle
Flexible Ankle
·More flexible ankles and feet will need stronger shank in their pointe shoe.
How much do you metatarsals compress?
Squeeze the ball of your foot, does your foot get much narrower easily or does it stay the same width?

When en pointe your metatarsals will be compressed (squished together), know how much the width of your foot changes can affect the width of pointe shoe you should select, if the shoe is too wide you will slide down into the box when you’re en pointe and too much pressure will be put on to the toes.